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MYTH:  Mist houseplants daily during the winter months

Submitted by ThompsonShuswap on Mon, 09/26/2022 - 11:23
Thompson Shuswap



Most houseplants like a more humid environment than you do, and it can be a real struggle providing our plants with the levels of humidity they require during the dry winter months.

There are several scientifically proven ways to keep your plants healthy and happy during the winter months. But, contrary to popular belief, MISTING is NOT one of them:

Indoor temperatures evaporate moisture QUICKLY!

  • Misting provides only temporary (five minutes) atmospheric moisture around your plants
  • To really give your plants a more humid growing environment you’d need to mist them EVERY 10 MINUTES!

Better practice

  • Cluster plants in groups to collectively raise the humidity in their area
  • Plants naturally release water through their leaves (transpiration).
  • Consider using an automatic HUMIDIFIER in the room or congregate your plants near BATHROOMS and KITCHENS, where they can absorb moisture from showers and cooking activities.
  • Keep humidity-loving plants away from cold drafts and sources of heat such as fireplaces, ovens, and electric heaters.

UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA EXTENSION oor%20Plants%20with%20Success

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